Joanna Sackey, BSc
Senior Consultant Biocides
Joanna gained her BSc in Applied Biology from Nottingham Trent University.
Joanna started her career in biocides when she joined the regulatory team at Safepharm Laboratories as a Regulatory Officer in 2006. Work involved active substance dossier preparation under the Biocidal Products Directive, REACH Annex IX and X dossiers, CLP notifications and registrations under national schemes. Joanna moved into the role of Regulatory Affairs Manager during which time the company was acquired by Harlan Laboratories. In this role she worked with a number of taskforces ensuring that dossiers were compiled and submitted to meet the legal regulatory deadlines and provided post-submission support.
In 2013 Joanna joined the regulatory group at Eurofins Agroscience Service Ltd and continued her work in biocides under the Biocide Product Regulation. Joanna has considerable experience in development of regulatory strategies for biocides, devising intelligent testing strategies, compilation of biocidal product families, completion of full dossiers and providing tailored regulatory guidance from initiation of a project through to post submission support.
Joanna has over 13 years’ experience in the regulatory field, specialising in biocides and has joined Arrow Regulatory in February 2020 as a Senior Consultant.