Carlo Poncipe, PhD
REACH Expert
Carlo gained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Surrey in 1985 after studying epoxide curing reaction mechanisms. He spent the next 15 years in industry, undertaking a number of roles in R&D, manufacturing, QA, project and regulatory affairs management. Carlo joined Safepharm Laboratories (later Harlan Laboratories) in 2001 and initially worked on the preparation of worldwide notifications for chemicals, biocides notifications and registration dossiers for Annex I inclusion, OECD/ICCA and US HPV dossiers and REACH Annex IV dossiers. From 2008 to 2011 he was manager of the REACH Phase-in and ORR groups at Harlan. In this capacity he acted as Technical and Administrative manager/Trustee to a number of consortia and prepared REACH lead registration dossiers and chemical safety reports as well as providing support to member registrants. In 2011 Carlo joined CEHTRA UK where he continued to focus on REACH, in particular SIEF and Consortium administration as well as preparing lead registration dossiers, chemical safety reports and safety data sheets. He is continuing his role in REACH consultancy and consortium/SIEF management at Arrow Regulatory Limited.